IPX Server Downtime

HarassmentPanda's picture

There is some essential electricity work going on which means the IPX Server needs to be off-line for a while – you may have already noticed this week ;-)

It all started when the hot water system packed it in, then to get a new hot water system we need to upgrade the electricity box because apparently some new building code has come in to effect which states the distance from the edge of the building and hight from the ground. So the meter box needed to be moved; in addition apparently we needed another phase of power and the existing line would not support it, so that too needs to be replaced. All in all 8K worth of upgrading electricity infrastructure (might as well rewire the whole house) for a lousy $800 hot water system that crapped out.

Ahh building regulations, got to love them and not care about them at the same time.


Robag's picture

oh dear

oww well enjoy you 8K hot shower
bugger the water restrictions use plenty of soap HP :)
ta Robag

n0mad's picture

Thanx for the Heads UP

Last Tuesday Prac went like this;

Where’s the IPX Server ?
Oh well lets book a GA 1…
Where’s the booked GA 1 ? (GA Fail again)
Ohh well lets um……
Robag kicks in his server and we all laugh at our ping while Voice chatting
and not being able to move at the same time…

WOPIT was run on GA Servers so I think we’ll survive….

Hope we can get the Server back up with the 0ld Enemy Territory on it as WETTITS will be announced s00n
and I think it may be best to play that 0n 0ur Server…..

G00d luck HP with the h0use upgrade……


Hashy's picture

lol.. I got a friend who’s

lol.. I got a friend who’s an electrician. He will tell you straight up that most of it is absolutely a total rip off. =p

HarassmentPanda's picture

Should have asked earlier

He could have done it for me then. There is more to the story, asbestos removal etc. but I didn’t want to boar every one with the details ;-)

Sha8doW's picture


ahhh how people forget to mention those little bits of detail which cost soooo much. like Asbestos!

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