Team IPX now #19

Put in a challange this m0rning vs Imperium and 30 mins later i noticed that they had declined the match.

So as you ccan see we are now number 19 on the Cybergamer ladder.

Edit : well it will when it updates



requiem or ak, the only ones free to challenge mat. oh noez

Sha8doW's picture

It's a bizare system

This ladder is bizarre the way it calculates


only ak free now, oh noezzzzz

I might

wait til after the matches tonight and then see who is free.

Sha8doW's picture

A chokito says

We get challenged 1st



n0mad's picture

t0p 10

here we c0me


Sha8doW's picture

Who ya thinking next matt?

I’ve just been looking, not too many obvious safe options!
Bring the a-game fellas!


wass thinking about bruz. but they have a match tonight so i would have to wait til thursday morn to challange them.


don’t need safe, go for gold Mat


is in just waiting for the other team to accept it.

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