n0mad's blog

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A small small very small chance y0u c0uld be in the New Star Wars


Questi0n what c0l0ur w0uld the light saber be…….
The chewy bust l00ks wr0ng


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The ultimate 80’s game is finally here,


Trailer here
Full Game inf0 here
Dem0 here

C U in the 80s here
PS I never g0t a sidewinder cycle but always wanted 0ne

They remade Knight Rider just need an Airwolf remake n0w…..

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Merry XMAS and best wishes f0r 2014

Xmas day Is nearly here and s0 Is 2014
ThanX Teamipx f0r an0ther awsum year 0f fun and laughs
Merry Xmas t0 All IPX and Fam
May 2014 Bring us all laughs and happiness……….


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n2mad is a b0y

ThanX t0 MRS n0mad c0uldn’t have d0ne it with0ut U, well I c0uld 0f, but it w0uld 0f hurt….

Well time t0 start researching sum MEGA LEG0 builds and get sum leg0 games me thinks….

Smiling and still smiling….

n0mad's picture

R the 0ld days

Yep this pr0m0 Vid missed me t00….

Cya’s 0n the 0ther side…..

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Happy Fathers Day

Just like to wish all the IPX Dad’s a Happy Fathers Day
and I trust they all got a special gift from there Wives and Daughters/Sons….

The n0mad Family

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Cube World

As s0me 0f y0u may be aware I am a RPG player at heart and have been playing RPG’s all my life fr0m EYE OF THE BEHOLDER that grabbed me with its adventuring and party skills, t0 put a geek like me with math in the f0rm 0f stats in a vide0 game was like I died and went t0 heaven, Thus started my adventuring in First pers0n RPG w0rlds. I’ve played a few RPG’s in my time, and taken many screensh0ts 0f me adventuring int0 the unkn0wn and I n0w wish t0 share a game with y0u that has made me smiling n0 end, it’s called


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The Humble Indie Bundle 8

The Humble Indie Bundle 8 c0mplete with Steam Keys
Don’t miss this 0ne as there are sum great games in there, especially Intrusion 2

Pay What ya Want! ($1.00 OK)
DRM Free! (No Net Access Needed – L00king at U EA)
Cross Platform! (That’s Linux L0ve right There)
Helps Charity! (Yep Playing Games helps the p00r)

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Out of the Shadows

It will feature up to four player co-op with each of the tutles being playable.

I want this Game n0w…………………….


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Dunn0 if these are g0ing t0 beat ch0kit0’s but the ab0ve AD makes me wanna get 0ne…


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