smokin' guns

few pretty epic games of bank robbery, no one actually robbed the bank but rather just killed every on on the other team to win.special thanks to robag for making this possible with his server.

hope we can have another round and see who is the top SG player of the year.


Sha8doW's picture

Bummed I missed it

I would’ve robbed! (it’s worth more money) and it’s one of the few games in good at!

Ps silent try and keep all this stuff in 1 place! There is like 4 different items for this (just of
The top of my head) 1.the challenge, 2. &3. Atleast 2 blog posts and 4. An issue!
Outside the issue, there is only a need to have all of this information in the challenge page!
Splitting stuff up makes it confusing for people, harder to locate & and reference and (as we are low on space) clogs the site with unnecessary content types!
P.S. You get more Svalbards for contributing and editing the challenge page then creating new content such as blogs too! ;) (that’s how matt has whore’d his way to the top of the Svalbard chart!!! ;) !!! )

This is not a rant at any of the information! Its all valid!! just advice to all on the process!

A great 1st effort silent in organization of an event!
Well done! Congrats, and thanks from the whole of ipx!

n0mad's picture

Missed it 2

Congrats 0n 0rginizing the event

I aim 2 B there next Friday right ?


Sha8doW's picture

I think...

That’s a hint for anew challenge page aye nZER0mad?
Go now silent!!!

sorry bout

that shad, dont know all the ‘tricks and ways’ to use the teamipx site.

Sha8doW's picture

Edit button

It’s most places!
No issue, now you know!

Hashy's picture

Bank was robbed.. Twice

I actually r0bbed the bank twice.But that was after each r0und was w0n… Still I r0bbed it. Putting the m0ney away f0r trip 0verseas.. xD

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