The good Chancerian believes strongly in fate. Why waste time lining up the enemy with a scope or rifle when you can just spray a hail of bullets (my accuracy is crap in ETQW) their way and let the Gods dish out justice? The Chancerian is the bravest, and maddest, of the Codiac, fearlessly running headlong into combat – where sane men dare not tread. (Hear hear!) Some Chancerians rack up some phenomenally high scores. Sometimes these are kills rather than deaths! (No wonder i still have the highest ETQW xp in the Team even after six months coz i definitely am a Chancer…..*evil lol)
The good Chancerian believes strongly in fate. Why waste time lining up the enemy with a scope or rifle when you can just spray a hail of bullets (my accuracy is crap in ETQW) their way and let the Gods dish out justice? The Chancerian is the bravest, and maddest, of the Codiac, fearlessly running headlong into combat – where sane men dare not tread. (Hear hear!) Some Chancerians rack up some phenomenally high scores. Sometimes these are kills rather than deaths! (No wonder i still have the highest ETQW xp in the Team even after six months coz i definitely am a Chancer…..*evil lol)