To get a feel f0r h0w g00d this is d0wnl0ad the Steam Dirt 2 Dem0 but bef0re d0ing this
you must install Games f0r Wind0ws – LIVE S0ftware
with0ut GFWL U can n0t run the game…
s0 h0w many SPUDS d0 U give it Spud ???????
I actually think it’s the best graphics in a car game I have ever seen really blew me away h0w g00d the EGO Engine is and the lighting is just amazing.
The car handles bl00dy hard and t0 get a real feel f0r p0wer slides I rec0mmend swaying d0wn the r0ad this really helps U feel the slides….
I have just started using Metacritic f0r c0mpliati0n 0f reviews and it g0t an 0verall sc0re 0f 89.
Any0ne else used/seen Metacritic ?
Steam Dirt2 Dem0
To get a feel f0r h0w g00d this is d0wnl0ad the Steam Dirt 2 Dem0 but bef0re d0ing this
you must install Games f0r Wind0ws – LIVE S0ftware
with0ut GFWL U can n0t run the game…
s0 h0w many SPUDS d0 U give it Spud ???????
I actually think it’s the best graphics in a car game I have ever seen really blew me away h0w g00d the EGO Engine is and the lighting is just amazing.
The car handles bl00dy hard and t0 get a real feel f0r p0wer slides I rec0mmend swaying d0wn the r0ad this really helps U feel the slides….
I have just started using Metacritic f0r c0mpliati0n 0f reviews and it g0t an 0verall sc0re 0f 89.
Any0ne else used/seen Metacritic ?