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Steel Series Merc Stealth

Well after searching the gl0be f0r a gaming m0use and finding the SteelSeries Ikari m0use (See Fuzz’s blog) and having spent an0ther 5 m0nths l00king f0r a replacement keyb0ard, w0uld y0u believe the answer lied in the SteelSeries brand 0nce again. I have n0w been using this keyb0ard f0r 0ver 12 m0nths and after many pr0ding by fell0w members can n0w tell U 0f it’s w0nders.

s0 where 2 begin, well lets start with my gaming history, I’ve been using the Numeric Key Pad all my gaming life and yes that was because I was destroying the WASD keys 0n my keyb0ard as well as the “o” key resulting in me saving m0ney be using the Numeric Keypad and having the rest 0f the keyb0ard in happy 0rder, and yes I used a keyb0ard f0r many years with0ut an “o” resulting in my ZER0000 but that’s an0ther st0ry f0r an0ther day……..n0w where was I…. well the last keyb0ard I had was a Slimline l0gitech and yep I w0re 0ut the numeric keys and th0ught time f0r a new m0use why n0t get a new keyb0ard s0 the hunt began. After reading ab0ut the SteelSeries Zb0ard I th0ught w0uldn’t it be great if that made a standard keyb0ard but placed the gaming keypad 0n the left hand side, well that’s exactly what the MERC Stealth is, A heavy duty Keyb0ard with great resp0nse keys with an added gaming key secti0n 0n the left hand side, what’s als0 gr0use especially f0r us Linux uses is the gaming keys are hardwired with WASD therf0re NO drivers needed als0 m0se games are c0nfigured f0r these keys s0 WIN WIN. Talking key mapping the MERC has;
SteelSeries Z Engine allows full customization of each key – Just a great bit 0f drag and dr0p Keyb0ard key c0nfiguration
Pre-defined profiles for more than 150 games – Can create ya 0wn t00
Anti-ghosting capability: Up to 7 simultaneous keystrokes – Amazing h0w many times my L0gitech keyb0ard w0uld l0ck up

s0 transiti0n 0ver t0 it t00k me ab0ut 2 h0urs 0f gaming t0 truly get int0 it but dam I n0w kn0w why the WASD setup is s0 p0pular just the ability to stretch 0ut 0ver the keyb0ard is s0 much better than playing cramped up 0n the Numeric Pad, n0w I can kick back and it actually feels right n0w. s0 0verall the MERC stealth is a great keyb0ard but the f0ll0wing extra’s are the icing 0n the cake;
Backlighting – Yep three c0l0urs and three brightness settings as well as 0FF setting, just amazing as I always game in the dark :P
Multimedia Keys – Always liked t0 have c0ntr0l 0f my music with a keystr0ke……….
Mic and Headph0ne Input at rear – Since I n0w game with Headph0nes this is mega handy…………
2 USB p0rts 0n the rear – n0 m0re crawling ar0und the fl00r t0 plug in my MP3 Player (n0te I will never 0wn a IPOD, MP3 f0r the masses)………..
Keyb0ard/Numeric/Caps Lock Lights – Might s0und trivial but kn0wing if caps l0ck is 0n during the darkness 0f the n0mad Den is helpful………
Gaming keys have different textures – Yep let ya hand feel the grenade key…..
2 levels 0f gaming feet f0r the right angle – I have the mega angle as default, an0ther nice t0uch I say…..

s0 wh0 sh0uld buy the MERC Stealth ?, well if U been playing with the numeric keypad get 1 get 1 n0w st0p reading this, g0, g0 n0w, if U what a heavy duty keyb0ard that if U bash the keys U will get a fuzzy feeling that the almost silent key resp0nse is saying to U “I feel n0 pain give me ya best tap” and finally if U game in the dark and have been w0ndering if a back lit keyb0ard is 4 U well this is certainly a l00ker…..

s0 if my review has tickled ya senses t0 purchase 1 0f these babies g0 check0ut the TECHGAGE REVIEW 4 pages 0f pics and technical stuff…

n0w time 4 sum gaming………….



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