There will be server 0utages f0r the next 24h0urs starting appr0× 45mins ag0, due t0 the servers being updated.
The patch appears t0 facilitate map pack 7 and the inc0mming BFBC2: Vietnam.
Any0ne g0t any idea h0w Vietnam will distribute? Especially f0r s0meb0dy like me wh0 didn’t buy via steam?
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Server 0utages f0r next 24h0urs
There will be server 0utages f0r the next 24h0urs starting appr0× 45mins ag0, due t0 the servers being updated.
The patch appears t0 facilitate map pack 7 and the inc0mming BFBC2: Vietnam.
Any0ne g0t any idea h0w Vietnam will distribute? Especially f0r s0meb0dy like me wh0 didn’t buy via steam?