Just th0ught I w0uld p0st a screenie 0f the Glitch where a chunk 0f land is missing. Dunn0 if it still happens with 1.4, happened t0 me every s0 0ften in 1.3. Just a screenie s0 y0u kn0w what im talking ab0ut when I say there is a giant swath 0f land missing infr0nt 0f me.
Cl0sing and rej0ining the server fixes the glitch.
The Missing Land Glitch
Just th0ught I w0uld p0st a screenie 0f the Glitch where a chunk 0f land is missing. Dunn0 if it still happens with 1.4, happened t0 me every s0 0ften in 1.3. Just a screenie s0 y0u kn0w what im talking ab0ut when I say there is a giant swath 0f land missing infr0nt 0f me.
Cl0sing and rej0ining the server fixes the glitch.
I think Silent kn0ws what I’m talking ab0ut =)