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n0mad's must ann0unce Links 5by5

n0mad’s links f0r the week 5by5;

1) – Skyrim c0lledt0r’s editi0n is 0n it’s way and I have pre0rdered mine (Steam versi0n n0 m0d supp0rt)…
2) – w0rld 0f Planes Did U enj0y W0rld 0f Tanks ? well this is fr0m the same Team….
3) – B0rderlands 2 better have a better ending 0r we unleash the SHAD
4) – Three Awesome Non-Apple Tablets screw U APPLE I eat Apples f0r…. Wait I hate Apples :P ….
5) – Final Destination 5 c0mming s00n 2 cinema’s near U….

Well that’s my 5by5 whats y0urs ?



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