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Hashy's picture

theyre welc0me..

y0ur friends are m0re then welc0me Delta.

But heres the pr0blem

Certain members 0f team IPX, wh0 shall remain nameless, have in the past been accused 0f bullying fell0w team mates.

If they’re l00king t0 av0id this, then this might n0t be the place f0r them, which is sad t0 say, because that kind 0f crap sh0uldnt be t0lerated within the team, but pe0ple get away with it. I had expected better fr0m Team IPX in general, but due t0 0ur 0pen d00r p0licy, there has been n0 p0licing 0r mediati0n, and things have been let t0 ev0lve naturally.

Let y0ur friends give it a try. If they run int0 pr0blems with 0ther team mates, v0ice th0se c0ncerns, s0 they can be addressed. Staying silent 0n the issue d0es n0b0dy any g00d.


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