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Sha8doW's picture

Anon does need to be careful here...

Doing “innopropriate” things for not much gain, such as taking down a gov websites just cause they can, they run the risk of losing sit of the purpose of doing such an act…
Furthermore they run the risk of the “over reaction” and the media spin which will attempt to use this to take the focus off of proposed shitty us legislation on to “hackers (sorry hashy if I’ve got the term wrong) evil”, “look what they can do, imagine how safe your credit cards are from these people! They have no concern for the law, your safety, and if they get more power, they’ll become corrupt!” (you’re better with the devil you know spin) – which could turn this into: “approve SOPA and we can control the hackers” (people are dumb, and praying on their fears they could be fooled!)
So while this act got attention, is it the rigt attention? And, are they using the momentum they’ve gained to continue the fight properly, utilizing the increased profile and get the average joe the plumber to lobby their congressman!


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  • Avast! This website be taken over by pirates on September 19th. Yarr!

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