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GPU, in line with your wanting to future proof a bit, not getting to upgrade often etc – I’d go an EVGA GTX 770 for about $460.
It’s a few hundred less than u paid for your last graphics card, and it’s very close to top of the line. The equivalent of your card in todays terms is the GTX 780 which is still well over $700 and not worth it.

If you’re looking at a good card now, and adding a second later, Ro’s suggestion of the 750 is a great idea. He’s had lots of experience with dual X50 cards working well for him.

I’d consider throwing in a new CPU and mother board too. THe new ones aren’t expensive. I’d be interested to see what the comparison is between your i7, and a current gen i7. When I get home I’ll look up some comparisons. But that’s just if you’ve got extra cash after all your other considerations.


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