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Fuzz's picture

Never trust a Norwegian

Thank you thank you. What you guys didn’t see was when he tried to appeal to me directly by PM’ing me in IRC. Here’s a taste of the rest of it (What can I say – he was asking for it stealing our name and all)

Session Start (Team IPX:ffa-fuego): Mon Mar 24 09:23:23 2008
[Monday 24/03/2008 09:23: 23 AM] ffa-fuego: yo
[Monday 24/03/2008 09:23: 48 AM] Fuzz: ahoy hoy
[Monday 24/03/2008 09:27: 41 AM] ffa-fuego: op me son
[Monday 24/03/2008 09:28: 45 AM] Fuzz: yeah i’ll get right on that
[Monday 24/03/2008 09:29: 03 AM] ffa-fuego: i was on the team s6…
[Monday 24/03/2008 09:29: 07 AM] ffa-fuego: cal-i
[Monday 24/03/2008 09:29: 09 AM] ffa-fuego: where we beat 3D
[Monday 24/03/2008 09:29: 12 AM] ffa-fuego: idk who you ae
[Monday 24/03/2008 09:29: 13 AM] ffa-fuego: are
[Monday 24/03/2008 09:29: 19 AM] ffa-fuego: Vu
[Monday 24/03/2008 09:29: 26 AM] ffa-fuego: look on archives
[Monday 24/03/2008 09:30: 40 AM] ffa-fuego: are you stupid
[Monday 24/03/2008 09:30: 41 AM] ffa-fuego: op me
[Monday 24/03/2008 09:31: 20 AM] Fuzz: why am i stupid? i’m trying to op u
[Monday 24/03/2008 09:31: 39 AM] ffa-fuego: !addop #teamIPX ffa-fuego
[Monday 24/03/2008 09:31: 58 AM] Fuzz: ok gonna try that now.
[Monday 24/03/2008 09:32: 10 AM] ffa-fuego: do you not believe me
[Monday 24/03/2008 09:34: 00 AM] ffa-fuego: your not gunna op me
[Monday 24/03/2008 09:34: 17 AM] Fuzz: why not? it cant hurt. we op people all the time. Especially Norwegians

Sadly he finally caught on and left shortly after.


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