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Shads Guess

Boy, 6days late.

and ive got 300 Svalbards on it!

so fuzz is a bookie now?
I am willing to donate mine back the the Bank of Svalbard if i am wrong.

Shads just had a hair brained scheme!
everyone has the op to join in here!

OK, this is how we role, aside from any personal “off track betting”
to guess the sex – BOY or Girl. it costs 100 Svalbards! (if you dont have 100 please contact Fuzz or Shad and we will hook you up.)
those who guess the correct sex get their 100 back and a bonus 200 svalbards!
those who get it wrong… lose their svalbards (Ouch)
50/50 bets are the riot!

if people wish to make a bet on the Date of Birth. they can wager whatever sum they like!
If someone gets it right, they take the lot. or a split portion if more then 1 person picks the same date!
if you get it wrong, you lose em all!
if no one gets the date right, it goes to the closest bidder(s)

(Nomad we need to know the conception date (if known) or an estimated due date per the ultrasound or range of dates for delivery)
personally if its known, (AND YOUR GUNNA THINK THIS IS GROSE, BUT IVE GOT A THEORY) position of the activity at conception


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