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On August 4th, 2008 – 09:30 HarassmentPanda says:
Actually that part is the easiest of all your requirements right there. Most modern sound cards have an option of recording “wave” or “what you hear”; which is the result of audio which has been played and mixed on your pc and is being streamed to your speakers. Sometimes you have heard it on QWET when people talk and there is a whole heap or garbage noise, or an echo – because they are not only playing back what they are saying but also what it is they are hearing on the PC.

The thing I do miss when watching the demos is you don’t hear the audio of what the team was saying and that can be quite an insight to what was actually going on at the time; if they are talking any way ;-)

On August 4th, 2008 – 12:27 CombatChuck says:
Not sure about the other stuff that fraps does, but if you wanna make videos try CamStudio. Its nothing special, but it is free and it does the job.


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