Last year I went E3 mad and read every article and really enj0yed the sh0w, from my armchair….
This year I am disapp0inted with s0 many PS3 games getting t0p billing and n0thing really new f0r PC
Lets hope Wolfenstein lives up 2 it’s hipe……
n0mad Has any0ne else n0ticed a pair of 10’s and a three pair of 6’s on the left…… Been playin The Witcher 2 long me think…
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Wolf better B g00d
Last year I went E3 mad and read every article and really enj0yed the sh0w, from my armchair….
This year I am disapp0inted with s0 many PS3 games getting t0p billing and n0thing really new f0r PC
Lets hope Wolfenstein lives up 2 it’s hipe……
Has any0ne else n0ticed a pair of 10’s and a three pair of 6’s on the left……
Been playin The Witcher 2 long me think…