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Revision of IPX vs FKQ - 24 April 07 from Tue, 06/11/2007 - 18:09

Kazashi's picture
24/04/2007 23:00
25/04/2007 01:00

Who: IPX vs FKQ
Date: 24/4/2007
Time: 8:00PM to 11:00PM
Password: FKQ ask Thompson, IPX ask Fuzz or Sha8doW
Mod: etpub
rcon settings: The following rcon settings will be set at the beginning of the game and not adjusted. If you would like any other rcon commands set please post the exact rcon command in the comments and it will be added to the list.

/rcon g_hitsounds 1
/rcon g_warmup 15
/rcon vote_limit 5
/rcon vote_percent 51
/rcon g_playdead 1
/rcon g_shove 50
/rcon g_privateMessages 1
/rcon g_dragCorpse 1
/rcon g_throwableKnives 15
/rcon g_maxKnives 20
/rcon g_knifeDamage 50
/rcon g_throwKnifeWait 1
/rcon g_constructibleXPSharing 1
/rcon g_dropHealth 4
/rcon g_dropAmmo 4
/rcon g_poison 5
/rcon g_poisonFlags 23


Team IPX Confirmed FKQ Confirmed
Sha8doW Yes Vlad Tepes Yes
Fuzz Yes Maria d Amlash Yes
Kazashi Yes BATOU Yes
Kazozza No – but may watch or participate from Sha8doWs laptop Razorskarr
Axe Man No Bullet
Sir Draco ? Ministorm Yes
Chappo No C!T3zEn
Manschaft No Death No
Hashi ? SpectrAL
Giggle No Glass No
Nexus chimera Yes
ltmon Yes (won’t be there the whole time) Slim
Ares Yes Nissans Yes
chipper Yes fr+ze No
* * Ubuntu-42 Yes
* * AIM@.ME Maybe (depending on homework)
* * Thompson Yes
* * Crazy Horse
* * pwnt? Yes
* * Ghost
* * hillytown Yes (until 9 or 9:30)

(The above list of FKQ members was taken from the FKQ web site.)


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