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Revision of Foxtel Download from Thu, 29/10/2009 - 13:56

n0mad's picture

g0t Foxtel
g0t Fast Br0adband c0nnecti0n


Downl0ads available are based 0n your existing Foxtel packages
Sum Movies and 0ther c0ntent have a CHARGE to your existing Foxtel Account “NOT ALL FREE

So my tw0 cents
FREE c0ntent but;
A) – Can’t find anything I w0uld want t0 d0wnl0ad
B) – U get 2 Epis0des 0f T0p Gear – What THE ?
C) – C0ntent is l0cked within it’s 0wn player
D) – Sum c0ntent has an expiry date f0r viewing

So give it a try and I may have unlocked the player/files by n0w :P



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