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Revision of Sacred 2 from Tue, 05/01/2010 - 00:17
An0ther Christmas an0ther Search 4 Dem0’s 4 n0mad…..
This game is 1 U pickup and start playing straight away Like I did……
Many things t0 like ab0ut Sacred 2 but I think the c0ncept 0f g0 where ya want d0 what ever missions U want sits well with me….
Als0 the camera is FN awsum ……
s0 Get the Sacred 2 dem0 check it 0ut and set ya graphics card 2 it’s highest settings…..
0hh and there’s Multiplayer 2…………
sacred 2
great game but a couple of problems with the patching making it an absolute nightmare to patch.
If you get this game, grab me for 5 minutes on steam, or be prepared for shitloads of time wasted ;)
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