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Revision of Team IPX vs bushRangers - BC2 CG Ladder - S01G06 from Sun, 18/07/2010 - 22:28

Microman's picture
22/07/2010 21:00
22/07/2010 23:00

Your PC – Battlefield Bad Company 2 Squad Rush match has been scheduled.
Home Team: Team IPX
Away Team: bushRangers

Map: Port Valdez levels/mp_012SR
Server IP:
Password: jznhpe
Match Time: Thu 22nd, 9:00pm AEDT
Challenge Page

Team IPX Availability (Yes/No) 13/7/10 – Thursday 9:00PM AEDT Comment Team
Blood yes yes mmm im hungry -
Deadite - - - -
Kippa - - - -
Limpet - - - -
Mattatuide y y sorry MM -
Microman No No School Holidays are Over :-( -
n0mad - - - -
Robag - - - -
Spudinator - - - -


yes but hmmm

never mind found it

Microman's picture


Many responses over night, waiting on two so the teams can be picked…

bush rangers

hmmmm i like bush.

hard looking team, they have some quality players


lucky we have quantity

Robag's picture

Team Has Been Picked

Soory for the lateness

Bl00d if you do not want to captian, please feel free to hand it on to other players


Heading back to work

I have been called back into work tonight, Ill try and make it back for match but no guarentes

Sorry guys

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