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Revision of New Honorary Member - Milzy from Tue, 17/08/2010 - 15:14

This bulletin is to inform you that Team IPX BoD have inducted Milzy into The Team IPX Honorary Membership ranks.

Forthwith the above mentioned player(s) are affiliated with Team IPX and are free to use any of the IPX trademarks, Symbols, Sayings or the – IPX “Jersey suffix” while gaming under the guidelines of rule 17.
Please make the new Honorary Member feel welcome.

The Current IPX Gaming roster is as follows:
Bloodstorm – IPX
Chipper – IPX
Crazy_As – IPX
Deadite – IPX
Broadband Bandit – IPX
Fuzz – IPX
Harassment Panda – IPX
Hashy – IPX
Kippa – IPX
Limpet – IPX
Ltmon – IPX
Mattatuide – IPX
Microman171 – IPX
Milzy – IPX
n0mad – IPX
Proton Rifle – IPX
Robag – IPX
Sc0ut – IPX
Sha8doW – IPX
Silentshadow – IPX
Spudinator – IPX
Willow – IPX

You can read Wookie right? google can help you find a wookie translator!

Now the almighty Hairy one will Welcome you!

scoorcwhahwhrr scahanufro
ohwoanoaooscwo wwrcoosc aoworasc ahakk
ah oarawh oaraanan rooohu scahanufro rcahrracao, anahorwo ah rcworaananro whwowowa aooo racor.

ohwoanoaooscwo aooo aoacwo rcrawhorc ooww aoacwo rhwocao aoworasc aoacahc cahwawo ooww aoraaoooooahwhwo aoworasc ahakk, wowhshooro rooohurc caoraro rawhwa rhro raanan scworawhc rrrr, orwowoak ahao oaanworawh rawhwa orwowoak rooohurc rcc200 oowwww ahao’c anahwa wwoorc aoacwo anoohowo ooww rroowa :wa

rcwoscwoscrhworc aooo shhuscak ahwh rawhwa wowhshooro schuscrhanwo coo rooohu oarawh ufwowh ahao huak ohahaoac aoacwo rcwocao ooww aoworasc ahakk
oooh rawhwa rhanoorr ahao huak rac ohwoanan anooooorc raao scahanufro
cooscwooowhwo acrac aooo oohoworcaoraorwo wwhuufuf aoacwo choraanrhrarcwac ohacoorcwo :)

oaoowhrrrcraaoc oowh rhwoahwhrr raoaoawoakaowowa.

scraro rooohurc cacooaoc rcahwhrr aorchuwo rawhwa scraro rooohurc rascscoo whwohoworc rchuwh oohuao,oooh rawhwa rooohurc rcc 200 rhwo whooohacworcwo whworarc wwhuufuf oowh aoacwo caorarcao anahwhwo

oooh rawhwa rhaooh ahww rawhrooowhwo racorc acrawh cacooao wwahrccao ahaoc aorchuwo, akrcahwhoawocc anwoahra aoooooor ra akacooaooo oowh acworcwo ahakacoowhwo.



Robag's picture

Morning Milzy

well look at you.
all TEAM -IPXed up aww they grow up so quickly :p

have fun, Fuzz will be along soon he stalks the site more than i do lol
with some helpful links for the new guy

C U in the Pubs


Fuzz's picture

Welcome aboard

Welcome Milzy! When we first raged at each other (for my somewhat violent driving style) the last thing I expected was to be inducting you into the Team IPX Honorary membership list the next month…. but I’m glad we did.

First stop for an IPX n00b like yourself –

Everyone is here to help if you have a question.


PS. Damn right. stalking is my thing. Got to love RSS.

Velcome !!!!

Welcome to the fold young speedster !!!
Will be off of the JD tonight so look out for the flying potatoe ;<)#
More importantly watch out for Fuzz n Shad and especially the red Robag LOL …….

useful links a


also you dont have to download everything n0mad tells you to.
you can download them as we play them.

Robag drinks……..A lot.

Deadite likes boys.

limpet is limp.

Microman eats……A lot

Kippa is black.

silent is always on mumble.

Shad likes porno’s…….A lot

Fuzz is a svalbard whore.

Bl00d smells slightly of fish for some reason.


who got the 500?

Robag's picture

i think

a 50/50 split Spud and Shad, lets face it Fuzz he no need them :p


Fuzz's picture


Surely I get credit for being his mortal enemy :)

Microman's picture

About the eating...

Welcome to the team!

I’m not fat, I’m just growing :-) (No, not outwards Matt :-D)

Robag's picture

owwwww ..............

now i get it I take the 500 Svalbards off Fuzz and give them to Shad and Spud

Fuzz, You are too kind

oww and btw from memory he called you some kind of girl part :0

So if i use my Robag logic that means he is scared of girls… true story I read it on the interwebs :D



who da Flagellomania are u….
and robag do you know how long ive been on mumble for
total number of hrs

Sha8doW's picture

I like porn.... Alot

What makes you think that I’m a deviate who likes porn matt? I resent the claim!

Welcome milzy, most peeps have said it all!

Suggest you get in touch with matt to jump on the bfbc2 ladder team, 1 slot yet(which I was gunna take back) but u can have it, I gave it up once already for silent and I’m a bad omen anyway!

Ps milzy, If you know any good Porno, let me know aye


Cheers for the welcome guys. Il defs check out the BC2 ladder, keen to smash some noobs.

Welcome mate

Good to see ya finally in the right colours.

And i do not smell life fish!!


i am limp, but proud of it. MM you do eat alot, you’re always “back in minute need to eat”.

Sha8doW's picture

Survey milzy!

Do it, now, common kill me… Whoops over zelious arnie quote

have you done

your survey yet milky?

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