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Revision of I'll just leve this here from Thu, 16/09/2010 - 21:37


ASSHOLE ...........

Did I mention your and asshole ;<)#

Fuzz's picture


What number in the world did that add up to for the Dallenbachs Shad?

Sha8doW's picture

Top 50

38th from memory

n0mad's picture

n0t Last

n0t last n0t last …………. yaaaaaaaa

L00king at the stats ab0ve Spud has his w0rk cut 0ut f0r him…..
n0t t00 menti0n that he hardly plays the game :P

Still awaiting my arrival 0f the RS200 :(

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  • Avast! This website be taken over by pirates on September 19th. Yarr!

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