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Revision of Laptop demotion from Sun, 26/05/2013 - 12:52

Somtin's picture

So I’ve managed to fuck up my old laptop so that now it doesn’t start.
Until further notice, I’m on my old piece of shit..

Gonna take it in to PBTech tomorrow and see what they can do. Hopefully it doesn’t hurt the back pocket too much. :/

Can still talk on mumble and play ET with you next weekend! ;)


Tripsicle98's picture

That will teach you

for using it as a hammer


Did you really use it for a hammer? There is an urban legend that that is really bad for them. That’s just a legend though.

Microman's picture

Eye witness

I was there, and can confirm it was used as a hammer… Somtin doesn’t always think about things :P

Somtin's picture


My bad guys, I was down about a litre of 40% Jack Daniels.

Somtin's picture

It's dead Jim!

Yeah, laptop is fucked. :(

Cause has been found: JD and Coke liquid damage. :(

So I guess I’m buying a new computer. gets wallet out

Tripsicle98's picture

The Hammer was like the size of a car,

I have eye witnesses that can confirm this

chipper's picture

jsut hose it off

and hang it out to dry. it’ll still be good

PerfectSanga's picture

that sucks

that sucks that it broke. i think i have nail polish underneath my keys on my laptop making my “7” key difficult to press haha, but at least my laptop didn’t fry :P

Robag's picture

did you do it like this


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