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Revision of IPX Vs paC - Regulation Match 5 from Mon, 25/02/2008 - 19:19

Sha8doW's picture
28/02/2008 18:30
28/02/2008 19:30

Who: Team IPX v Team paC (GA Ladder Regulation match)
Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Where: TBA
Password: Check your email from GA Gamecreate (otherwise check in IRC before the game)
Referee Requested: No
Practice session: Wednesday 8:00pm (27 February)
Starting Map: Valley (Tough Cookies)

Please Choose from the Following OPTIONS:
Thursday 06:30pm (28 February)
Friday 07:00pm (29 February)
Saturday 08:00pm (1 March)

Luckless, if available, is in the team by default.


Team IPX Confirmed Comment
n0mad - -
Hashy - -
Bloodstorm - -
Fuzz - -
Luckless - -
Kazozza - -
HarassmentPanda - -
Sha8doW© Yes Saturday with Practice on Wednesday @ 8PM
Haklin - -
Ltmon - -
Kazashi - -
- - -
- - -


Team IPX Confirmed Comment
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -


Starting Map: Valley (Tough

Starting Map: Valley (Tough Cookies)

That doesnt matter:)…It’s the first map that’ll probably have some strats written up for it;)

Can hashy sub in for me for

K scrap whatever i said before..i just checked with work and i finish at 5 tomorrow so i’m all good:)

Sha8doW's picture

Dont blame them

we had the opertunity to pick better times, either people said yes or didnt reply in time.
its not the captains responsibility to babysit the rest of the team.

hashy, we are already short a player, are you able to be a full timer. Hak, and Oz, we will need someone to be in game at 6:30. unless anyone can save us out of the woodwork

Sha8doW's picture

Fuzz... we need you

we need you

Fuzz's picture

no problem. I’ll be there.

no problem. I’ll be there.

I noticed Hashy is sub. I am

I noticed Hashy is sub.
I am happy to let Hashy play in my place, put simply he is a better player with more experience and I think we stand a better chance with him on the team.
However, if Hashy ‘wants’ to be sub then I am happy to play as well, whatever is best for the team.

Hashy's picture

thankyou for your confidence

thankyou for your confidence in me luckless, however I will remain sub for this match..

Ive been sleeping REALLY badly this past week or so ( i juts woke up, and its an hour and a half till game time..) i am just in a terrible, agitated state of mind, as you all may or may not be aware from my obscene comments over the in game VOIP.

I have trust in your skills luckless, you will do a fine job for us =)

Ill give it my best Hashy,

Ill give it my best Hashy, Hope you feel better and get some rest.
I have a lot of trouble with sleeping as well :(

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