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Revision of IPX vs Sdash - ETQW GA Ladder - S02G03 from Sat, 25/09/2010 - 11:01

ltmon's picture
25/06/2008 22:00
25/06/2008 22:00
Challenge Details
Challenge Type: 
Competition / Ladder
ETQW GA Ladder
Score IPX: 
Score Other: 

Who: SDash
Challenge declined due to player availability and lack of responses.


Team IPX Friday 10:30pm Saturday 8:30pm Sunday 9pm Preferred map Comment
Ltmon Unsure Unsure Unsure Ark or Valley I’ll have a better idea of availability tomorrow evening.
Fuzz No Yes No Valley Happy to capt Saturday, although it might be an idea to get one of our more successful strategists onto this one – Blood or HP have had the most luck so far
CombatChuck Yes No Yes Valley 2:09am?! Crazy Japanese timezone!
Robag YES YES YES Valey oww will the GA server let me connect …grrrrrrrr
n0mad Yes N0 Sub Valley If needed Sunday will play, What is GG in Japaneze ? XX ?
Shad Yes Yes No Valley I’d suggest going as early as possible to make the “time difference” in our favour, Friday is nuts and my wife will kill me but it is fridaynight…
Haklin No No Possibility Sewer/Valley Man due to uni i’ve played bucklys in the last 2 months..
chipper not sure probably probably Ark or Valley happy to play if free


ltmon's picture

GA Connection problems

In case some people haven’t heard the deal yet: If you get problems entering a GA booked server where you cannot type the password, the quickest fix is to drop the console (tilde) and then hide it again. That should fix this problem. You may have to use “Ctrl-alt-tilde” if you haven’t unlocked the console in your config.

If it still isn’t fix some have said that dropping the console and typing “connect” will work as well.

On my machine (Linux) the console doesn’t actually appear, but pressing “tilde” twice fixes the problem.

typing “reconnect” works

typing “reconnect” works for me… then i have to push esc, but dropping the console might work too.

Do we know much about these guys? are they any good? i dont know what to expect!

Fuzz's picture

ever played skullz? It’s

ever played skullz? It’s like playing them, except you only see every 50th frame of them ripping you to pieces. Reminds me of one of those sped up comedy videos where some poor guys standing there, while these crazy british guys are running around like mad men and crazy music’s going on in the background. And it ends with the poor guy standing there going – wtf happened….

We’re the poor guy….

Sha8doW's picture

I hate

I hate Benny Hill…

Hello again, everyone at

Hello again, everyone at Team IPX!

First of all, I am sorry about the time we submitted the challenge against you. We did not realize that it would limit your time to organize the members.
Next time we challenge another clan, we will keep that in mind.
The time zone in Japan is GMT+9, so it’s only 1 hour difference from AEST. The problem is that we challenged you at 1am in the morning.

As for the language, please don’t bother to study Japaese. We use GG, HF and GL in Japanese, too. Besides, we are the one that joined the Australian Ladder. Anyway, it was nice of n0mad to have asked. :D

Last, but not least, I hope it will be a good game and we will have some fun!

tak81 (Sdash)

P.S. If you have any questions, proposals or anything regarding the match, please post the reply on this thread or send an in-game PM to tak81.

Fuzz's picture

Good to hear from you again

Good to hear from you again tak81. The times aren’t that bad, there’s an 8:30 in there and a 9 – they’re both reasonable enough for most of the team. Our biggest problem is only half of our team have bothered to respond so far. Speed it up IPX or we’ll have to decline this challenge due to lack of numbers.

Assuming the game does go ahead tak, good luck, not that you’ll need it, and I’m sure we’ll all have fun.


Fuzz's picture

Challenge declined

Challenge declined due to player availability and lack of responses.

I am sorry to hear that you

I am sorry to hear that you declined our challenge.
Anyway, thank you for trying to organize the match.

I hope we will have matches again in the future.


Fuzz's picture

Sincerest apologies tak81.

Sincerest apologies tak81. Once we’ve got ourselves organised we’ll be sure to challenge you guys again to make up for this one.

Sorry I didn't notice there was this..

I didn’t see this match coming, it was like so soon. ):

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