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Revision of Padman: Team IPX vs.... Hashy & n0mad +???... from Tue, 15/07/2008 - 09:06

Hashy's picture
18/07/2008 20:00

This Friday 18/07/08 at 8:00pm


Games Arena Spray…

Be there and be prepared to die…. lots! ;)

n0mad is that all the map packs & patches we will need..? – Edit: All g00d Hashy……

I would prefer to get our own server setup for this instead of taking up the spray server,

If this is a bad time &/or day then we will select another… But sooner or later,

n0mad is gonna pad power you…. =\

Team IPX Confirmed Comment
n0mad Yes Padman Padman Padman
Hashy Yes Padman, Anteroom, Betty, Slaughter.. around i’m in
Fuzz Late Won’t be able to make it for the start. Will be there from 9:30 if you’re still playing
Haklin - -
Harassment Panda - -
CombatChuck - -
Kazozza - -
Ltmon - -
Bloodstorm - -
Robag Yes where is my paint gun…..:)
Sha8doW - -
Johnny - -
Kazashi - -
ResidentEvil - -


n0mad's picture



I’m There – Hope 8:00pm is Ok for us all

Please Ask either myself or Hashy for any help U need to set this
up but it’s Free and It’s Great……

Padman Padman Padman

chipper's picture

excellent free game

excellent free game. guys if you don’t have it installed recommend you do so now!

nice initiative Hashy n n0mad!!

Fuzz's picture



Sha8doW's picture

am uncertain

I am a little unsure of how i will rock up after some heavy travel.
Will do my best

Robag's picture

Padman Padman Padman

Padman Padman Padman Padman Padman Padman

heeeeeeeeeee hhheee heeeeeee

n0mad's picture

Thanx to all for joining a great Padman Friday

Cheers to all who showed……………

5 Hours straight of hard fought Padman and yer
I’ll be quite for a while re Padman :)
Padman Padman :)

Hashy's picture

Was great n0mad =) Crazy

Was great n0mad =)

Crazy lagg killing my game making it unplayable, but it still was great fun, hope everybody agrees. =D

Only 5hrs this time n0mad? ;p

Fuzz's picture

Thanks for the game guys, as

Thanks for the game guys, as always was lots of fun. Great to see Chuck, Johnny and Panda in there too for the first time (I think).

Only negative was I only lasted about an hour before I started 999 pinging out.


Couldn’t miss out on the fun. (:
Good game.

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