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Revision of Team IPX Vs HV from Mon, 02/08/2010 - 21:33

15/04/2009 19:01
15/04/2009 21:01
Challenge Details
High Voltage

“Bob’s new clan has challenged us to a scrim on Wednesday, 7pm. Who’s up for it?”
“And for Fuzz’s benefit (and anyone else) this is an ETQW challenge” – Oozaru

Teams: IPX vs HV

Organiser: Oozaru & Bob
Captain: TBA
Where: TBA
When: Wednesday, 15 April 2009, 19:00 (7:00pm)
Password: Check your email, or look in the IRC channel before the game
Prac: Normal Tuesday @ 8PM prac
Referee Requested: NA

Please put down your availability below as YES or NO (anything else will be interpreted as NO).
If I’ve missed your name below, add it.


Team IPX Map Preference Availability (Yes/No) Comment
Fuzz Redux No Ah, QW, thanks LT and Ooz. We should start putting that in challenges from now on if we’re going to seriously be a multi game team
Shad dont mind Yes its a little early for me, but will try my hardest. Is HV a QW team?
Ltmon The new radar one Yes Pretty sure they’re a QW team
Robag not fussed Yes insert trash talk:)
Microman171 Free Spirit City or After the War Yes Now it’s the holidays I should be good to go =)
Kraizen Anything with backrage :) Yes Time to defend my epeen eh bob ;)
n0mad Any New Map Yes s0mething fr0m the IPX Map pack :P
Blood Map No Work getting in way at moment sorry guys
Willow surprise me Yes ohh where r u bob? come out come out where eva u r!
chipper ~ No soz guys
Somtin Any Maybe 9pm should be all right… hopefully ;) 10pm practice was allright for an hour so I should be able to. :}
Name Map Yes/No Comment
Name Map Yes/No Comment
Name Map Yes/No Comment
Name Map Yes/No Comment
Name Map Yes/No Comment

Big thanks to Oozaru for organising


Microman's picture


Sure thing :-)

What’re the numbers?

Atm we have

Atm we have Seb123,Glimmer-man,l0w, Ginga-Ninja, Crunkchristmas and asianpc :)
I thought you said thursday ooz :S its ok should be able to do weds

ltmon's picture

Should be fine

I think I’ll be around, Wed or Thu if need be.

Robag's picture


count me in

Lol…I thought you said

Lol…I thought you said Wednesday…because Tuesday was out for you.


Current Account Usage2: 11,971MB
Current Usage Allowance: 12GB*, then slowed

I cant download any new customs :(

n0mad's picture

What Map ?

Any chance we can l0ck in a Map s0 we can prac it tuesday night ?


Microman's picture

Locked in?

You mean you HAVE a data cap…?

Use your phone :-P

Somtin's picture


Well, since we didn’t choose a map before practice, why dont we choose one of the maps we practiced at practice?

Captain? :)

Just realised i’ve been promoted on the IPX ladder team (gamearena site)

Ta :)

Fuzz's picture


Yeah that was me. I figured since your captaining games anyway, it was silly for you not to have permissions to go and enter the result at the end of the game.

Also, I hear if someone forgets to login before posting, they owe the team a case of beer :)

n0mad's picture

First Dibbs

I C Kraizen 0we’s a r0und…..

Since I’m in Vic as well I’ll remember that when we have burgers K


haha deal :)

I just have so many passwords I cant remember them all O.O

willow's picture


You missed out on 2 Svalbards for the above post as a result of not remembering account pw!! Looks like i get 2 just for pointing out the obvious! your loss my gain!! lol

Somtin's picture

passwords suck

When the server was rebooked for 31020, I couldn’t get on as the password wasn’t working.. Sorry guys.

Fuzz's picture


Hey Somtin,

just a suggestion – not the best idea to put passwords into posts on publicly viewable pages, even if it is a password we don’t mind giving other teams. I’ve removed it from your last comment.


Somtin's picture


Yes of course hehe…

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