After having probably the worst experience of MORONS on a game of ET:QW. Ive decided to write a letter to ID or whoever made the game…
well to screw off this Friends dealie and replace it with a “Moron Numptys” dealie
that way i can filter out all the servers with TKing morons, and morons that only go as snipers when the map calls for engies (could you believe that the server was full and NOT 1 person was building the bridge? except me, and NO one was supporting me either)
so anyway… id rather use the dealie to know where the MORONS are so i can stay away!
ill also put in the letter, WTF is the deal with the water? so much and so useless… and I want to THROW my knife MORONS…
anyone else got the sheets?
(he who has had it up to here with Morons)