What is best thing to do when ET:QW Players on your Side... DON'T Heal Players or Help with Objectives ?
Voice Your Outrage then Disconnect from Server
0% (0 votes)
Choose to Kill them All (Everyone is fair game) - WARNING You should continue to Tell Everyone on the Server you hate your Team
0% (0 votes)
Do all the Objectives Yourself and just remind your team of everything your doing "I just Built the Tower ANYONE"
57% (4 votes)
Destroy every Vehicle in Game (Vehicles are there for you to take your rage out on)
0% (0 votes)
Stay on the Server until fellow TeamIPX members arrive to make a boring game into HELL for them (Easy fodder with the knife)
43% (3 votes)
Total votes: 7
tard players
I do number one as much as number three.
OMG… nomad you’ve been playing with Nes too!?
bit i hate is when you do the objective and then some moron steals the glory (ie you build the bridge and then someone else drives the MCP the wrong way, then you go repair it and then they steal it again the win the command post and get the XP! or like what just happened to me… your on Island and you blow the door to the vault… go to pick up the suit case but get TK’d by Nes who then continually stuffs up trying to “RUN’ it or ‘boat’ it… and then repeatedly tells us we are idiots cause we arent covering them!
then when you finally get the damn suitcase, you proceed to the ansi… only to be shot buy the tomentor driven by a Nes who was told over VOIP what i was doing!
finally you ge the disc and make it to the ansi… you wait for an IPX to jump in… but who jumps in, a Nes player who wont get out and you MUST get in the damn ansi as there are only minutes. reluctantly you get int he ansi only to have him deliberatly crash and bail out… then steal the docs from your dead body!
Buy a teamipx
Polo shirt! Ya freaking Canadian sho selling Christian spammer goose
If you saw the spam, you’d get it!
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