Who would like Microman & I to make a TeamIPX song ?

Tripsicle98's picture
Absolutely, Alcohol must be consumed before recording .
79% (11 votes)
Nien Nien Nien
7% (1 vote)
14% (2 votes)
Total votes: 14


Microman's picture


Looks like I’m getting pushed into something here…

I was actually song writing last night :)

Tripsicle98's picture


No pushing for you , You remember the walk to town dont you ?

PerfectSanga's picture


If Microman doesn’t do this… then I will yell at him everyday through Somtin’s speakers. :)

Somtin's picture

Wait what

Why am I getting dragged into this? :o

PerfectSanga's picture


You have speakers :)

Robag's picture

well i can speak

from experience

this can happen to you

What song should Rayne rope Robag into singing in two weeks at karaoke?

lolz good times good times


Sha8doW's picture


I can sing some Barry Manalow!

At the Copa, Copacabana!
The hottest place north of Havana


Oh Mandy…

Microman's picture


So I have some basic guitar sorted out for this. There’s a TeamIPX song in the works..!

Tripsicle98's picture


Will Svalbars be involved

Somtin's picture

Svalbards for all participants?

I’m playing the guitar! :D

Sha8doW's picture

I'm sure we can organise a prize!

I’m sure you’ll get something nice for the effort ;)

All really depends on the quality of the whole thing really! Maybe people can offer up suggestions and we can vote on the prize and stuffbassdon opinion!

And extra svalbards for lol rage!

Tripsicle98's picture

Hmm . I have been thinking of titles all day

1 . Shad is god
2 . A certain clan can go and have sex with goats
3 . All hail IPX
4 . The true team
And last but not least IPX FTW

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