just s0 y0u guys kn0w, I’m near a crest p0int, t0 use s0me r0ad termin0l0gy I guess, in the new directi0n I am taking in my life at the m0ment. I need a bit 0f space f0r a few days, need t0 re-balance my sleeping cycle and center myself 0nce again.
I’ll be in s0me semi-deep meditati0n, sh0uldnt be m0re then a week. I sh0uld be c0ntactable if there is an emergency which requires my presence/attenti0n.
“I’ll be back.” t0 make a qu0te.. =p
Kinda fits with the bl0g title… umm.. “Resistance is futile”… hmm.. a bit better.
I’ll be enj0ying as much silence as I p0ssibly can, s0me ass0rted incense (Lavendar, Frangipani, Dragons Blood, Dragons Puff, and Vanilla.)
Maybe s0me music t00… Except I just m0ved..haha.. My PS3, and my DVD player 0ut 0f the r00m permanent.. Maybe I will tune int0 the beats 0f the ebb and fl0w 0f the universe.
Either way, see y’all in a few days 0r s0.
Peace. =)