Hashy's blog

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NZ Earthquake Donations Appeal


0k b0tt0m line. Australia has d0ne well t0 weather the bad financial climate 0ver the last s0 many years. 0ur NZ br0thers have n0t been s0 f0rtunate. Yes we have 0ur 0wn pr0blems in Australia right n0w with the fl00ding in Vict0ria, but we are taking care 0f 0ur 0wn just fine. The demands that the aftermath 0f this Earth m0ving event will be putting an extra strain 0n the NZ ec0n0my, and I’m asking all 0f y0u wh0 are able and willing t0 help t0 pr0vide s0me supp0rt t0 0ur br0thers & sisters in New Zealand. The NZ Red Cross has an 0nline d0nati0ns page that y0u can g0t0 and d0nate with either a Credit Card 0r a Direct Deposit.

That is ab0ut all we can d0 the help right n0w. Unless 0fc0urse y0u are willing t0 lend y0urselves t0 g0 0ver there and help with the relief eff0rts. I w0uld l0ve t0 d0 this myself, but I d0n0t have any basic training f0r it.

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IPX Emergency Contact List versi0n 2


In light 0f the 7.0-7.2 magnitude Earthquake in Christchurch this m0rning (4:35am, 4:30am is c0nsequently, the average time 0f death in the w0rld… well.. s0 they say..) I am calling f0r updates and revis0ns f0r the Team IPX Contact List which I have started devel0ping.

Emergencies always bring calls f0r changes t0 the way things are d0ne. It is h0w we learn. After 9/11, new buildings were c0nstructed, designed t0 withstand the impact 0f an airliner, and the subsequent fires pr0duced fr0m *cough*burning jet fuel.
After the Black Saturday fires in Victoria, things were re-thought and revised, because n0 system is perfect, and its 0nly when s0mething happens and it d0esnt w0rk quiet as it sh0uld that things are impr0ved. Quiet simply, imaginati0n is needed, and we just can’t imagine everything that is needed bef0re hand.

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Libs To "Dump" Net Filter Should Earn Your Vote!!!!


The net filter is g00d f0r y0u.. We need the g0vernment t0 watch everything were d0ing t0 keep us safe… b00000000000000oooooooooooewewewewew.


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Battlefield Bad Company 2 For $69.99 USD On Steam? Goto Ebay!


s0, BFBC2 is.. $69.99 “USD” 0n steam? Screw that! I just b0ught it f0r $51.40 AUD 0ff 0f Ebay! I hate buying games and n0t getting a hard c0py 0f it & nice case, and I rather wait a little while t00. =p

It can g0 stand 0ver next t0 my “sh0rter” PS3 c0py 0f Bad Company 1 ;p

See yas in the game next week. Can sh0w me the r0pes, h0pe t0 j0in the c0mp when the next seas0n starts up! xD

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Wheres Paul?

There he is.


This guy is just a “little” bit creepy.

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Hashy Bl0g Game!! Name the Waves!!


b0red, s0 th0ught I w0uld dredge up a quick game! n0 prizes this time, just a quick bit 0f fun.

“How many different sources of Radi0 Waves ar0und y0u can y0u name??”

I can think 0f a few already! Think 0f things l0cal, and things less l0cal. Y0u might have s0mething ar0und y0u which emits radi0 waves that 0thers might n0t have!!

Ill start the ball r0lling with 1. You can name as many as y0u like!! Start thinking!!

I name the wireless thermometer f0r 0ur Weather base stati0n, its just 0utside my r00m! Next t00 the Modem!!!! xD

How many can y0u name? I can think 0f at least 6 already!!

Welc0me back t0 IPX Kindergarten! HAHAHHA

“I is f0r, Irradiati0n. P is f0r Permeati0n, and X is f0r.. XRAY’s!!!!”


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Mobile Upgrade - Nokia 2310 to Nokia 7230

m0rnin all,

Finally upgraded my ph0ne. Was using a Nokia 2310 http://www.nokia.com.au/find-products/all-phones/nokia-2310

Am n0w running this, relatively advanced Nokia 7230 http://www.nokia.com.au/find-products/all-phones/nokia-7230/specifications

Slide ph0ne, n0t t0uch screen in case y0u were w0ndering and didn’t read any details. =p

Biggest c0mplaint pr0bably w0uld be RECEPTI0N. I decided t0 stick with V0dkaf0ne, better the z0mbeh c0rp0rati0n 0f death y0u are already familiar with I say (Optus recently screwed me 0ver in regards to a sim card I didn’t activate in time, strike them fr0m my list. Telstra & me have n0t mixed since I was 11 years 0ld.)

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Space News- SDO: New Eyes On The Sun, Brown Dwarfs, and Team IPX Around The Moon


s0me m0re space news in additi0n t0 t0nights partial Lunar eclipse.

SDO – Solar Dynamics Observatory. http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/

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Partial Lunar Eclipse Tonight, Starting 8:19pm Sydney Time

m0rnin all,

There will be a partial lunar eclipse tonight, starting 8:19pm local time, and ending 10:59pm local Sydney time.


Full Moon is at 9:30pm Sydney time.

If there is too much cloud in your region during this time, dont fret! You can still observe this phenomenon via simulation!

Both Stellarium & Celestia simulate the eclipses. The moon will be located within the constellation…umm.. the guy with the bow?



Windows 7 users note that you may have issues running the latest version of Celestia. If you encounter problems with version 1.6.0, give 1.5.1 a try.

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I Have It. The Answer To The Secrets of Everything!


I have it. I’ve done it… I have figured out the secrets of the universe. To life. To everything. After banging my head against the window with kubuntu, then mandriva, then now linux Mint.. I have discovered the secrets of the cosmos. to Life. Everything. Absolutely EVERYTHING.

here it is.

“Linux developers are insane.”

Walks away with a dumbfounded look on my face.

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