FOW and L4D

Been talking to one of my mates from teamsidewinder (They the top NZ team for everything) and they are looking at entering ausy/nz tornys for L4D. As IPX obvously has a large interest in the game and more that 4 active players perhaps we should like into this?

Also he said that there has been a big patch for Front Lines fuel of war. (Flopped big time on release cos the developers thought we liked bugs) Aparently all the bad things about the game have been fix so im gonna load it up somtime this weekend and check its out. Will put a report up after ive had a play.

But anyway competitve L4D wot you dudes think?


n0mad's picture

I'm In

s0unds like a plan bl00d

c0unt me in…………


i'm In

Totally in for L4D tourneys

willow's picture

count me in

yes…yes…yes…im in

Hashy's picture


Smash ‘em Aye!

Sha8doW's picture


we’d get analised in l4d
i might pick up a legit copy of FOW. I had a “demo” and i thought it was ok….

We did a right up on FL:FOW HERE

Its on steam for 29.99 (sixy bucks aus… probably cane get a better deal somewhere in AUS)
my only issue is Server support… is there anymore anywhere Blood?

If youve got a steam acc, search for the game and watch the multiplayer trailer (its actually pretty funky…)

Sha8doW's picture

oh, but i am in anyway

C Sudbenject

HarassmentPanda's picture

I bought it F:FOW

Got a “Collectors Edition” for $50 AUS before Christmas some time. The single player campaign was enjoyable but the multiplayer was a waste of time IMO.

HarassmentPanda's picture

& I would be in 4 L4D vs.

As well

Fuzz's picture


I’ll pass on competitive L4D. It’s more of a “play for fun every now and then” game for me.

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