1.4 Has Landed!!!

Well I win the bet!!!:) 1.4 is finally here and the changes are MASSIVE! Click here to read all the changes. This patch has been a long time coming and it most certainly looks well worth the wait.

See you in the servers!! … After work:(


P.S I’d highly suggest getting the file from a local ISP server. Internode has the file mirrored here. Linux patches are also available on their file server.

Some people are reporting crashes. This could be due to not having updated punkbuster. Update punkbuster manually here
If your game continues to crash do not try and update it through the auto-updater. Because of the huge patch size its likely packets will get corrupted. Download it manually from the node link above.


Hashy's picture



“* Fixed typing quickly scrambling user input”

Thats all I wanted!!!! I feel like a fool trying to type in QWET 1.2! Or was it 1.1 that did it? I dunno… Evil, evil..

HarassmentPanda's picture

I thought it was just me

but maybe not – lets see if the accuracy in my typing increases now ;-)

Sha8doW's picture

same here

I know i spell bad… but i sure as heck know I don’t type over my own stuff!
I got so frustrated with myself when it happened….
It was the main reason i got out my headset!

HarassmentPanda's picture


Don’t put it away though, at least some good came out of that bug!

Kazozza's picture



HarassmentPanda's picture


So like, where has the rank gone. What a rip. I was really starting to get in to it and all; and now it just doesn’t show. Sucks to be playing

Ranks are still

Ranks are still there…check out the official ranks site http://stats.enemyterritory.com/clan/341. There not displaying ingame because of a bug. SD are working to fix it:)

Fuzz's picture


Ranks are also still in game. You can see the min the limbo menu, and under the persistent stats section. Are we sure its a bug?

It seems like something SD might do to stop people joining a team based on the ranks each team have.

I’m intrigued by the 10XP for defecting when its unbalanced. I wonder if there’s a hole there and you can get points for changing, then just change back. Hope not. Seems like a positive change.

Not a fan of the stupidly bright light on the mines. Or the MCP change. It’s too easy for GDF to just sit in there now and never get killed, while their team mates are getting lemminged trying to repair it and get the lazy bugger inside an objective completion.

Interested to see the QW TV stuff in action.

We were all waiting for the

We were all waiting for the patch and all i have heard is complints about it.
Give the it a go it was needed to level the playing field.
I like it as i can now blow those bloody flying bugs and flys out of the sky.
It also gives the gdf a fighting chance with the mcp.

Yeh with the new MCP

Yeh with the new MCP situation the strogg need to defend a few meters behind the MCP now. I think it works well because in 1.2 as a constructor all you did was mend your turret. Now they have to be more proactive in laying mines etc leading up to the MCP. Also opporessors should be dropping violators/rail howzers few hundred meters behind the MCP and messing up the engies before they even get to the MCP.

n0mad's picture

Very Buggy Patch

Yes, Very Buggy patch indeed.

What do we do now wait for them to fix with another patch ?

Ohh well atleast Padman gave us a new level in there Patch….

n0mad runs off to Padman screaming PADMAN PADMAN PADMAN

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