WGS- Over! Thankyou!

Hashy's picture

Thank you everybody, I had a really nice time yesterday evening, and I hope you all enjoyed yourself too!
Kazozza arrived shaved, and over the course of the evening, proceeded to removed all traces of hair in true olympic swimming champion style.
Kazashi was the first to get the crop. Doodizm raised over $1000, so the beard had to go. Some of you will enjoy the photos of that one, once they are ready =p
I was the next to go.. Had grown that hair for like, 9-10 months aswell! No more irritating sweat beads hanging off the end of my fringe, poking me in the eye.. If I still can’t aim, then that wouldn’t be a very good excuse. My “beard” went aswell, after Kazozza had taken a few snaps, some eluded to the idea that stage, If I had some robes and a towel wrapped around my head, I could have easily ended up in guatemala bay detention.. haha, very funny.
Doodizm was reluctantly last. She had short hair in the past, and it suited very well, and now is no exception either. A failed attempted first on a makeshift mohawk was cool haha.. But hair gel is supposed to be a gel, not a liquid. Time and heat will damage your styling products it would appear.. =p
All in all the shave went well. Fuzz and his girl showed up for awhile, and were fortunate enough to get to see Kazashi have his turn, however they had to depart before the pizza was sent for =(
Much Coca Cola to be had ( still got a few un opened 1.25s =p ).If theres still some left then we did pretty good!

Only making a guess, but I reckon so far we have raised in this, collectively, hmm.. atleast $1200.. Im sure it will be abit more, ill get the final figures done abit later on once all the books are in.

Ehh I think all in all, very good, what do you all who attended think?

It was good to do something with some of the team in person anyway, the distances can be abit of an issue, but if we make more of an effort to get some live things going (treks, hockey,lan), I think it would be very positive for us all.

Oh and Panda, I hope you didn’t show up and goto the front upstairs door when we were all downstairs out the back =p Either way you were missed, and do hope that you can make it to the next event, whatever that will be =)

Ok ill shutup now, my computers working again, so ima enjoy that =p


Fuzz's picture


HarassmentPanda’s picture
On March 16th, 2008 – 16:24 HarassmentPanda says:

Mate, I called Kazozza about 7 trying to work out if any one was still around. I didn’t think I had your home number but I probably do just filed under another name. Any way I got no answer and Fuzz had left well before then so didn’t know if you guys were still there either; any way we can catch up some other time and go for a beer.

Good to hear you all had fun.

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ah crap, that could have
Kazozza’s picture
On March 16th, 2008 – 20:18 Kazozza says:

ah crap, that could have been while I was in the middle of a guitar hero riff, damn, sorry man. I’ve recently flashed the memory in my phone and I’ve lost pretty much all the numbers that were in it =(

Didn;t check the phone till about 1am…. so I guess your number can be the first of many to be re-added to the phone =)

FYA – I’m up to $169 for donations (feel free to keep donating peoples).

I had a great time, thanks for hosting Hashy, now get into that cyclops!

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Thanks Hashy!
Fuzz’s picture
On March 20th, 2008 – 14:20 Fuzz says:

Thanks for hosting Hashy. I had a great time shaving off Kazashi’s beard and playing Wii. Just wish I could have stayed longer to catch the rest of the mayhem.

Lets see some photos (digitally altered to protect IPX identifies of course)!!

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