Johnny's Little Away Trip.

Hey guys, just blogging here to fill in my disappearance for the past 2 months.

Basically the main thing for this trip is my Brother’s Wedding.

Starting from the left, there’s my Sister, Sis-In-Law, Brother and finally me.

After the wedding I set off to find myself a job and somehow landed a job as a bartender.
And that’s how I spent my last 2 months.
Oh, and here are some pictures.

Here’s Johnny!

Here’s Johnny’s drinking buddies.

That’s all I am gonna tell for today.
Until next time, IPX.


Robag's picture

heeeeaaaaaarrrrrsssss Johnny

Morning Johnny

hee hee Kraizen beat u 2 it

woh johnny looks like you had a great time

almost march, i hope you ETQW skills are up to the task

ps congrats 2 your bro looks like the wedding went off
ta Robag

chipper's picture


robag isn’t it heeeerrrrreeeesssss Johnny? you have been taking spelling lessons from shad haven’t you?

seriously though it looks like you have been having fun Johnny!

n0mad's picture

Questi0ns ?

I really think U sh0uld have an AXE in all y0ur Pics Johnny n0 matter what the ph0t0 :P

What C0untry ?
Whats the gaming scene like l0cally ?
Are the l0cal servers busy ?


HarassmentPanda's picture

I think he has come back a bit rusty

Not enough time to game over there.

Great to have you back, we need some more whoring of objectives going on.

Did you parents try to fix you up with a Girl while you were over there?

willow's picture

Hey Johnny

Nice to have run into u in the pub last night!

all i could detect from ur hyperblasting was frustration of being away and hungy for kills like a vampire starved off blood and then finally let loose in a blood bank! carnage!!

welcome back and looking forward playing along side u!

Robag's picture


+1 on the spelling chipper :(

Gosh, lots of answers. :D

Robag: Yeah, I had a great time there. Went out drinking almost twice every week. The wedding was quite a success , lots of people turned up , I reckon they showed up for the food. Hahas.
Chipper: Hopefully, you won’t catch me with any spelling mistakes. ;D
Nomad: It’s Singapore , the hottest game over there right now is L4D. I couldn’t even find ETQW installed in any of the lan shops over there. Yes, usually after lunch/school times, the gaming servers are jammed packed.
Panda: They didn’t have ETQW, so I practiced my aiming skills on Counter Strike hahas. My parents didn’t try to fix me up with a girl ;P , I had to do it myself ;P .
Willow: Yeah willow, was nice playing along side you too. Your disarming skills was quite ninja last night , Hahas!

Sha8doW's picture

johnny.. your sxe

i think i am in love!
hehe Jk!

good to see you had a good time! ta for the update. its always great to hear what IPX’ers are doing!

Fuzz's picture

welcome back

welcome back Johnny. Looks like you had a great time over there.

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