
Kazozza's picture

This is looking promising, shut up and take my money!


n0mad's picture

Can't wait t0 multiplayer this up

As sum 0f U y0ungins may n0t have been b0rn but back in 1994 this was the game t0 have

  • was 0ne 0f my first shareware games that i then went 0ut an purchased this
  • Jump Pads
  • Dos Only
  • Sound plaster PRO support
  • Pushable Walls
  • Maybe this was the game I fell in luv with the r0cket launcher
  • There was n0 m0use l00k :(

The 0ld game used an enhanced variant 0f the Wolfenstein 3D engine and this remake uses The Unreal Engine 3…..

I think this is is a must have

Als0 there is this Vid 0f actually gameplay in 2012
Turn the v0lume d0wn play sum great Heavy metal 0r y0ur music p0is0n while U watch the below


ltmon's picture

Ahhh nostalgia

When you run out of ideas, go for a reboot! Or a prequel.

For the younger members, this is what ROTT looked like in 1994:

Which, mind you, was absolutely awesome graphics at the time. The ultra-violent gibs were pretty cool as well when I was 15.

FFS: Ok, I started this comment, got distracted it and then finished it. n0mad (another old fart) stole my thunder in the meantime.

Sha8doW's picture

number 3 player is the number 1 delayer!


Looks VERY cool! very oldsckool! (love akimbo!)

I am waiting, and trying hard to get a beta key for PlanetSide2
(you can pay for the access to the Beta for what will be a F2P game… doesnt kinda make sense!
but i’ve been hearing good things!

Robag's picture

oww good lord

do people remember the mushrooms in this game, they made you go funny in the head…..
+1 for the rocket launcher N0mad
so many lol’s
nice find Oz
where do I send my paypal ID to :P


Hashy's picture


Far out that takes me back too… Fun game that one! Rocket jumps for the winz!!!

Thanks for bringing it too our attention Ozza. Good find! =)

Most violent shooter of its time I reckon.. Lots of blood and gore.

Sha8doW's picture


Blood was the most violent IMO!
The old voodoo doll, and the “enjoyment” which the playable character displayed, it was just wrong!
Bloody creepy too!

IMO that was the last of the epic shooters before the twitch mouse aiming became the standard!

Fuzz's picture

Blood? Fuck Blood

was awesome, actually it was probably the most fun out of that era of games. Even better than Duke IMO.

n0mad's picture

bl00d was awsum BUT....

Duke is king baby


ltmon's picture

Another Blood fan

Never made it as mainstream as Duke, but damn it was great. Guns Akimbo!

Shooting akimbo flare guns into a zombie cultist and watching it run around of fire never got old.

Sha8doW's picture

Ahhh it burns! get it off, it burns!

In multiplayer, you could fire those flare guns accurately beyond visual range… No bullet drop or that crap everyone desires nowadays!
And the burn factor! Epic!

Fuzz's picture


Damn the multiplayer was fun. Flare gun was my favorite too.

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