Homefront: The Revolution might be coming to linux and pandora 1st contact

linuxslacker's picture

Homefront: The Revolution

looks like the game doesnt have a homepage yet but news reports are saying its going to be released in 2015 for win/mac/Linux should be a cool game. just noticed its got a linux logo(not the cool tux one :/) on the crytek site too(http://www.crytek.com/games/homefront/overview)

pandora 1st contact

only had a chance to play it once its a clone of alpha centuri. should be great fun while i wait for Civ5 and Civ beyond earth to be released for linux


Robag's picture

owwww that

homefront, the space sim one, wow i think the last time i plaid a game like that was on my first Intel celeron PC dam…….


linuxslacker's picture

i think your thinking of homeworlds?

i think your thinking of homeworlds not sure about the origional homefront since i havent played it(linux and all) but i think its a generic shooter?

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