i got a 6 month subscription to this. 1st one arrived a day or 2 ago
every month you get a new mystery indie game in a nice box drm free on its own usb “cartrige”(kinda like a credit card with the usb plug flipping out) for win/mac/linux and from june onwards all games that are also on steam will include a steam key. junes orders are done so july is the next one available if anyone finds this kinda thing interesting. the products priced right imho but the postage is almost as much as the product :( and USPS takes ages to get here i hate waiting for packages from overseas
heres what came with the mays box(you can also backorder boxes for slightly more then subscribers pay)
ok looks cool
is the indie box pc as well at linux……
yup all 3
they said all games will be for all 3 platforms(win/mac/linux) and PC being windows and linux so yeh its for PC too. hopefully they keep doing that
like l00t crate
l00ks like l00t Crate but a s0ftware versi0n….
What we need is Indie Shareware each m0nth U can d0wnl0ad a t0rrent full 0f indie games that expiry after 10 minutes 0f gameplay 0r 0nly c0ntain level 1…..
Shad0w Warri0r was shareware……..
And n0 I d0n’t miss 33 fl0ppy disc installs
yeh i saw loot crate
looking into indiebox i also found lootcrate looks interesting too but i waste too much money on junk already i don’t need more :) i do miss shareware back in my schooldays(get off my lawn!) shareware was invalueable in deciding what games i was going to
pirateer i mean buy later :pEDIT: i think office was over 50 3 1/2 inch floppies :) installed that many times tons of fun. back in those days harddrives were like 200mb and no matter how hard you tried it never filled up i even had trouble filling the 40mb in my 286 :) now i got multiple Tb and its always sitting above 90pct
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