Mumble Down :(

Tripsicle98's picture

Mumble is down for some reason ???


use the old mumble server

details are

address –
port – 64738

Fuzz's picture


Mumble is down for some reason ???


Mumble is down for some

Mumble is down for some reason ???

nice use of quotes fuzz.

Robag's picture

yep it is

The vps was rebooted I do not know why, log entry said system
Mumble will not start because of a missing security group fracking nuts
Just us the backup server until I can get it fixed or install a new one
Sent via blackberry

Fuzz's picture


nice use of quotes fuzz.

Why thank you

Sha8doW's picture

going down

mumble couldn’t keep talking… cause it went down!
it had a mouthful, you cant blame it!

talk about cake and conversation too! (i thought blood was the only one getting that)

/me shudders at the thought of blood sweaty, naked in a towel….

Robag's picture

it is backup now

not sure how stable it will be, but it ended up being the database getting shagged again grrrrrrrrrrrrrr :(
best i could do from my laptop


n0mad's picture


Thanks Robag, y0ur the best…..

0hh and IRC is still UP :P


Tripsicle98's picture


You’re the man



Microman's picture


The state of spelling makes me cringe. Talking to some people on facebook chat and such, where “thay tlk like ths”.

Fuzz's picture


Thank god someone else is bugged by it. It’s ridiculous…. Everything has spell check too these days so it’s not like you’ve gotta have a brain to be able to spell correctly.
(Not directed at anyone in particular – it’s directed at EVERYONE that’s too lazy to do it)

Tripsicle98's picture



i rekon ey fuzz

and cheers robag :D

Microman's picture

What's worse than bad spelling?

Bad grammar! How are you supposed to get the correct meaning from a sentence, if it hasn’t got grammar in the right places?

its like even though they have the correct spelling you cant fully understand what im saying more importantly is the full stop see how hard this is to read!?

Fuzz's picture


Problem with bad grammar is grammar checkers aren’t very good. So for the uneducated, stupid or lazy – that’s how their sentences will come out.

Unless….. we ban the uneducated from the internet :)

Sha8doW's picture

dont worry logan

ur content ws ackurate… which is the more important part!

Robag IS the man!

I love reading stuff from “people” which has good spelling, grammar and is well punctuated! Especially when the facts are incorrect!

Tripsicle98's picture

Thanks shad

Atleast someone is on my side

Fuzz's picture


There’s another way of thinking about it too. And this is just friendly advice – take it on board, or not – it’s your life.

Sure you can get content right, but have bad spelling. Correct the content is the MORE important part.

But there’s nothing stopping you from being able to do both. You can be correct, and be able to spell. It’s harder to learn when you’re older, but you’re young. This is when you can learn this stuff easily. The stuff you learn when you’re young just sticks. And sure it comes easier to some than others, BUT effort earns success.

Aim high to achieve.

n0mad's picture

Aim l0w

At my age I just add zer0’s and y0ur right I can’t spell

Aim l0w as they say and remember U can’t teach an 0ld d0g new tricks
Unless there the kind 0f tricks Shad is thinking of :p

What is Faceamarb00k ?

Fuzz's picture


Just realised Shad’s gone. Him, Kazashi and Hashy are the only ones that would have got what was in that last message. I set out to write a message which included both my schools motto’s

Primary school was – aim high to achieve
High school was – effort earns success

I’m quite impressed I managed to get both into that last post

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