Contrary to popular belief Vanilla was not the first flavor of ice cream

Tripsicle98's picture

It was actually “a mixture of nectar, fruit pulp and honey”

So now we should be saying “ which bad company are you playing “the correct response should be “nectar fruit pulp and honey”


Fuzz's picture


hahaha, nice one Logan.

By Vanilla I think they meant the plainest of flavours, not necessarily the first flavour. However even that’s probably not correct – as just because vanilla ice cream is white, doesn’t mean it doesn’t have flavour… it’s flavours vanilla.

We could call it Bad Company 2 White…. but then Robag would be up in arms :)

Tripsicle98's picture


But I quote from a fellow IPX member that “it’s the original flavor of ice cream “
So by original from definition Is “belonging or pertaining to the origin or beginning of something, or to a thing at its beginning”

Fuzz's picture


Look at that, your spelling and grammar is improving already :)

(not to cross promote threads lol)

Tripsicle98's picture


Thanks fuzz

Tripsicle98's picture


Because no one cross promotes threads

Fuzz's picture

Ice cream

Contrary to popular belief Vanilla was not the first flavor of ice cream

What’s your favorite of ice cream?

My two favorites:

  • Connoisseur Cookies and cream

Made into a thick shake…

  • Sarah Lee French Vanilla

Crushed up Crunchie… mixed in with the ice cream, and refrozen. Eaten like that… or made into a thick shake.



that looks nasty matt

Fuzzs ones look yum

Fuzz's picture


Matt.. I feel sick.

Tripsicle98's picture

Me to


Tripsicle98's picture

So are we going to be playing

Bad company 2 nectar , fruit pulp and honey or vietnam

Microman's picture

Mmmmm Hoooooooooott


jalapenos and i love icecream, i’d give that a go

Tripsicle98's picture


Nice micro

Sha8doW's picture

1 bar again, this spot of town is "less" remote

I was gunna say “rainbow shirbert” from baskin robins… But as you all know, I’d be lying if I didn’t say what micro posted wasn’t my favorate!

Now, back into bumfucksville!


Now, back into bumfucksville!

At least you wont be lonely.

Microman's picture

Damnit Matt!

I should not eat around anywhere where you might say something.

Tripsicle98's picture


Micros keyboard is now vomit coated

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