Is Rocket League still a thing around here

ltmon's picture

They just released a beta version for us Linux-using troglodytes (better late than never).

Do any IPX still play this one regularly? I’d be able to play one or two evenings each week from 6:30pm and onwards.


Robag's picture

yes LT

it is

Team – IPX Youtube

even Slacker is getting into it


Fuzz's picture


Still lots active playing every week. Drop into mumble and we can all have some games :)

Rumble mode is a bit insane, but good fun.

ltmon's picture


Busy the next few evenings, but I’ll buy and download it for later in the week.

Fuzz's picture


Can’t wait :)

n0mad's picture

Pass the Puck

Im int0 it best game f0r the big screen..


ltmon's picture

Does a controller help?

Or can I keyboard-warrior it easily enough?

n0mad's picture


IMO a c0ntr0ller is 0ne Style and the Keyb0ard is an0ther I can play either s0 yer the c0ntr0ller is much less intense depending 0n y0ur Play Style.

Interesting th0 I can d0 m0ves 0n the keyb0ard that I can’t at all with the c0ntr0ller but as I said the Xbox c0ntr0ller is m0re relaxing.


Fuzz's picture


I’ve been using kb since day one. Both are fine really. Just personal preference.

Somtin's picture


Personally, I tend to do much better with the controller :-)

Fuzz's picture

Somtin's right

Also…. Somtin does much better than all of us in general… and he uses the controller.

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