ltmon's blog

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Video Game High School

Maybe I’ve been living under a rock, and you all know about this… but in case not, check out Freddie Wong’s web series “Video Game High School”.

Freddie Wong has been a YouTube star for a long while now, with live action video-game inspired action scenes each week. You’ve probably seen a few before, even if you didn’t know who the maker was.

VGHS is a feature length series from him and others and (for a web series) it’s really good.

Season 1 playlist:

Official site:

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Some promising games

This one is little more than a tech-demo right now, but it’s pretty awesome for that.

It’s called Outerra (at least the engine is) and it uses fractal generation to create a world that scales from space flight all the way down to blades of grass.

You can download the tech demo and fly and drive around an Earth-like (and size!) planet.

Closer to completion is the fun looking StarForge. I think of it as a cross between Starship Troopers and Minecraft with modern HD graphix. It also has the ability to play on open worlds that extend all the way from the surface into space, and mining below the ground also.

Free for now, but it’s pretty alpha quality and apparently needs a decently beefy rig until they get the performance quirks sorted.

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Svalbard still awesome: no death allowed

By legislation, you are not allowed to die in Longyearbyen, Svalbard.

“The cemetery closed in 1930, accepting no future burials. The population is generally kept young; there’s no elder care housing in the area. And if you fall deathly ill? The local authorities will airlift you to the nearest regional hospital, which is two hours away.”

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Fallout (the original) free for 48 hours

Get it here for some old skool RPG:

Apparently I need to write at least 10 words to submit a new blog entry, so I wrote this.

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In Soviet Russia, Ninja Turtles something something....

I couldn’t think of a good way to finish the title, but IPX TMNT fans check out this page of scanned comics from Russia:

Here’s a few hilights I’ve found so far….

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Fistful of Frags

Well I was getting frustrated with Smokin’ Guns never releasing even a bugfix update today, and noticed someone refer to Fistful of Frags in their forums:

It’s a Source mod, free for anyone with Steam and HL2/CS:S/TF2 etc. (and who doesn’t have that?).

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W:ET starts looking prettier

Since ID Software kindly released the source code to RTCW2 and W:ET a few months ago there’s been a few efforts ongoing to port it to run better on more modern hardware and to fix some of the bugs.

The XReal project (, mostly done by a single coder) has also been working on making it a whole lot prettier — at least from the engine point of view, he will still require some mappers and modellers to step up and fix the original textures and models to be of a higher standard. In any case, what has been achieved so far is quite impressive. The following shows off dynamic shadows:

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Duke Nukem Forever: First look

First look at this particular incarnation of the perpetually unreleased game.

In any case:

1. The environment looks like Duke Nukem, and not some generic brownish FPS as the last few attempts were
2. Looks pretty
3. Seems gimicky (in a good way)
4. Ending

1. Stinks of console
2. Boss fight looks a bit unimaginative
3. Seems gimicky (in a bad way)
4. Someone already drew a cock ‘n’ balls on the whiteboard, now there’s nothing original left to do

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I remember the 80's, and they were awesome

No… wait, the other thing.

But he’s so funky!

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Got Padman?

Anyone up for a game tonight?

Say 8pm?

Sign up in comments below, and if there’s 4 or more people, then let’s get our Padman on!

Edit: For those of you that aren’t yet inducted into the World of Padman, here’s all the details:

Edit again: Seems we have at least enough for a game, but more are always welcome in Padman. Meet y’all in Mumble (padman room), and the Game Arena Spray server at 8pm AEST.

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