Do A good deed

So today i have a favor to ask, so let me tell you why……… today would have been my father-inlaws 61st birthday but it is not a happy day cos he past away last year so he will never get to be older than 60. So today i ask next time you see someone or something trying to rase money canser research please give something and pray you never have to feel this pain. Thank you.


Hashy's picture

Everytime I Can

Every time I can Matt, I give away t0 charity.

One thing y0u can actively d0, is help with the Folding@Home project! Its m0re then just ab0ut creating z0mbehs y0u kn0w.. This pr0ject will help us find the cures f0r cancer, all cancer, as that is where the r00t pr0blem/cause lays f0r things like that, pr0teins mis-f0lding.

Getting them to ban Alcohol & Tobacco is another step in the right directi0n t00. You easily think that, yeah, sure, tobacco smoke causes cancer. But all of us easily forget that Alcohol is a poison/carcinogen (i think its carcinogenic..) too. That causes cancer too. At least get them to ban alcohol advertising, as they did with tobacco. It is insane and ludicrous for that to continue. Any statistics that showed that removing tobacco from advertising made any impact, should show you that doing the same with alcohol will have a similar impact.

Funny thing, I quit smoking the green stuff, which has been scientifically proven to be able to fight cancer, yet I still smoke the brown stuff, which I am giving up in the next month or so. For good. Forever. Never ever ever again.

EDIT: & Anti Cancerous properties – Folding@Home project – My latest F@H blog

The cake is a lie.

Robag's picture

Australia Cancer Council

Cancer Councils around Australia rely on public donations, bequests and fundraising activities to maintain our research, education and patient support services


get onboard TEAMIPX


Sha8doW's picture

Support is always needed for this kind of stuff

A group which i personally know does some great work is:

and i think more support should go through to those with the less publicised cancers… Breast, Prostate etc, all get plenty of attention (not saying they are any easier) but alot of people suffer from cancers such as pancriatic cancer, which has a high mortality rate, and cause there is no “sportsmans wife foundation” their suffering is normally in silence!

A cure for CANCER should be found, not just the “popular cancers”

as Hashy noted above, Support Folding @ home! (I’m sure we’ve all got spare processor capacity!)
My parents always complained about the computer being on… now there is a good reason!

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