Swine Flu?

Microman's picture

Hey Everyone,

We have all heard the news, Australia and New Zealand have both got rising numbers of swine flu cases. As it increasing, so does the new coverage.

There was ‘the quiet period’ where the term “swine flu” wasn’t used during a one week period. This was the point where the virus had lost its hype in Mexico, and other countries cases were very limited. Now however, much of the news is taken up by swine flu.

Not everyone here watches the new I understand. I’m sure everyone has their own way of finding ou what’s happening in the world. If you have just come out of a hole, the world is on the brink of a pandemic. The new disease, the “swine flu”, is a strain of influenza (Swine A/H1N1). It has very similar symptoms to influenza A, but is LESS potent. The reason the world is in panic is due to the fact that this disease is MUCH more virulent than the regular flu, this means it spreads much easier.

I went to the school nurse today, I got a real bad blood nose =(, and I over heard the nurse talking about the swine flu. I was advised not to enter the sick bay as I would likely end up sicker than I already was (I’m one of those people who get queasy at the sight of blood…).

So, it is possible the disease has spread further than can be contained.

Who else here has similar stories? Anybody have any opinions?

Some people think this is a bit of a hoax to sell the tamiflu before the expiration date. I used to think this was true, as people were stocking up well before it broke out worldwide. I scoffed at those people back then, now I am thinking maybe it wasn’t to much of an overreaction.

If I get swine flu, I’ll be sure to tell you guys =). /me I have swine flu!




have you noticed that since the whole “swine flu” thing has taken over the media and the news shut up about the “global financial crisis” we are spending more money and things are lookin like they will bounce back?
all so this smells to like the killer african bees that were ment to invade the U.S. some years back

Good catch it

just the regular common cold mixed with swine cold its just the cold but because it has swine in it our bodys are not adjusted to it as the regular common cold

Cough Cough Oink oink

AIDS... Swine Flu...

All caused by naughy people having naughty shenanigans with animals…

AIDS : Gorilla’s
Swine Flu : Pigs
Bird Flu: Chickens…

Taboo, but serious


Microman's picture


What’s next, the sheep flu?

willow's picture

sheep flu

all kiwis have sheep flu! lol

Somtin's picture


hahaha as if, “sheep shagger” is just a myth, if anything. ;P

Sha8doW's picture


alot of questions and debate regarding swineflu.. it could go one for years
people who have got it have been quoted saying “ive had worse paper cuts” all the way through to n1h1 being the major contributor to their death…

my major issue with it all is the major incosistancy and hype delivered by the media! its the same with the GFC which matt mentioned.
there wouldnt be a tenth of the problem if the media didnt report sensationalism! its fife and discusting.
also, my next bug bearer is all its done is tell anyone who may have a bio weapon and whom may be mad enough to use it exactly how quickly something can spread throughout the world!

overall, im disipointed the most with the media!

Microman's picture


The media are terrible, biased, manipulative bastards…

Sha8doW's picture


sheesh, the drugs are still effecting me… my spelling is actually worse then normal! (and I didn’t think that was possible)

n0mad's picture

Swine Links & g0 Bag

Australian Govt Press Release

Great Site for a repertory of news on Swine Flu

My resp0nse is that yes we sh0uld think the w0rst if we are prepared f0r the w0rst then when the least happens we can l00k back
and say “we were prepared” , I think the Govt has bungled al0t 0f things especially the pe0ple 0n cruize ships but l00king at it an0ther way
have they really g0t p0licy in place t0 detain any0ne f0r swine flu, if 1 l00ks cl0sely they d0n0t, therf0re me believes al0t 0f new p0licy will be
pushed through parliment behind cl0sed d00rs.

To make maters really worring check this out
Vic Gov’t Emergency Go-Bag

Running sh0es :P

Oh and n0 U w0n’t find me at the MCG when the Met0r hits :P


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