Padman Screenshot

n0mad's picture

Hey all,

Just been looking at the screen shots on the World of Padman Website

I think we should submit a team IPX Padman screen shot, what that is i don’t know right now…
My thinking is we submit Screen shots to a Forum link then have a vote about which one to submit…

What do you guys think and we should be able to vote the best screenshot to submit……


chipper's picture

padman team photo?

hehe maybe we should take a padman teamipx photo next time we are all playing. could be funny

Fuzz's picture

oh yeah - Team IPX photo!

great idea – lets do that.

Sha8doW's picture

Team Photo...

Im down!

n0mad's picture

Lets Take the Photo Then

Ok to Sha8doW and Fuzz please put the call out for all to meet at a Day and time to take the photo,
Setup map with a mirror in it, we all meet online in front of mirror then everyone there can take the photo….. Cool Ay…..

Well let’s set the time and place…………

How does………………….Wednesday 31/10/07 at 8:45pm….Sound…………..??????????????????

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