Bored in History!

PerfectSanga's picture

We today and today only have a supply teacher and I’m doing noooooooooooothinnnnnnnng!!! So, my question is, what should I do? Break out in song and Dance? Dog pile the teacher? Throw my laptop or pen at a powerpoint? I dunno… Im in it for another 30 minutes!


- Sanga


Fuzz's picture


Sing the IPX song in class… get a friend to film it. Post on youtube

=== Svalbards!

Sha8doW's picture

My recommendation...

Do your/plan your assessment/assignments!

I wasted so many oppitunities cracking onto girls, mucking around only to have all nighters the night before!

The one thing I’ve learnt and am trying to teach my kids is. Work 1st play second!
If you’re given 6weeks, attempt and where possible to do it in 3. Just because you’ve got 6 weeks doesn’t mean you program to do all the work over the 6 weeks!
Keep adding to it over the last three weeks to improve it.
Ok this gives a few key benefits:
Reduces stress, improves your review period, gives you time to focus on concurrent assignments or exam study! And is a major time management/prioritisation skills you’ll need in the real world!
The ubi boys will probably back me up… It’s a big step to “self driven learning” in uni and even worse in work!
Now here is the sneaky/sly bit:
After you’ve done it, bludge for the majority of the three weeks!
LoL your focus for the 2nd 3 weeks is to steal others ideas so you can add them to your submission or just beat their submission. To waste other people’s time, increase their stress and the likelihood of a shit submission due to their poor time/prioritisation.
Plan parties on the weekend before assignments are due increasing the likilihood of others missing their deadline!

Remember yours doesnt have to be perfect, it just needs to be better then everyone elses!

LoL that probably sounds really nasty… And I don’t want other people to fail. But what your competing for is a step forward in life!
Sportsmen do it all the time! They look at their opposition, work out HOW to shut them down… Not to make them play better, but focus on how to make it harder for others to out perform them.

You don’t have to win, just beat the opposition!

Disclaimer: I do not support the knee capping of competitors!

PerfectSanga's picture


The teacher gave us work that i’d already done… :(

Sha8doW's picture

No one said

I didnt say you had to study history…

PerfectSanga's picture

Oh, lol...

Ooooooops I get it now, I thought you wanted me to study history and I was like… :( I can’t :(

Fuzz's picture


one of the “ubi” boys, I agree. It makes complete sense.. it’s a tough thing to learn to do, but I’ve always tried to do it. Apply it to all areas of life…

Like for example… I’ll go home tonight, do all the food prep for dinner, have it all in the pan and vegetable cooker dealie. Then at like 5:30 I’m done… I can play games til 6:40. Then I just have to call a 1 minute time out in NBA, turn on the veggies… get back to my game. Finish my game at 6.55, heat up the food in the pan, veggies will finish… Time to eat at 7.

Its pretty much the same amount of work to do.. but its just less stressful that way.

Sha8doW's picture

My preplanning is better then your preplanning!

LoL fuzz is right. Apply to all areas!

But seriously, I’m crazy planning here. And it comes from my line of work…

In comparison to fuzz, tonight, I’ll go home and prepare lunches for me and my wife, lay out breakfast (the the point I’ll have wheatbix in a bowl on the table with a spoon… Awaiting milk), coffe machine prepped on a timer. I’ll have dinner prepped, veggies or other cut up, potentially a slow cooker meal all mixed so in the am I take out of the fridge put in the machine and have it on a timer.

All of our shopping when we come home, is cut up and prepared. Meat is portioned out, chopped into the appropriate meals. Veggies are cut and packed away!

The time this all buys me is massive, but still not enough! With the kids etc I barely have enough time, if I didnt do the above, I’d have NO life!

Fuzz's picture


I do some of that, but wow (mostly related to meat portions for the month pre packed and frozen)…

the weet bix pre-planning is impressive though!

Hashy's picture


History is the class where you will learn what a concept called Fascism was…. Not familiar with it? Look the f**k around. You’re surrounded by it…

Just look at those new QANTAS uniforms… Can anybody say Schutzstaffel…?

Robag's picture

+1 on the planning

Robag’s Day get call at 1am umm stuff at work is still F$%Ked no one can use the Defense System
6 Hours before i have Create a Severity 1 Helpdesk Call
Fu#$tards at work tools done and do not restore the system access
3 AM Robag goes to work and fixes the S#$i they should of fixed 10 hours before
Robag leaves work a 8:30am to go home to sleep

word to the wise those who fail to plan plan to fail



Somtin's picture

So there’s these two handsome

So there’s these two handsome blokes called Sha8dow and Fuzz. They’re walking through the jungle right, and they come across this massive lion.

Now, you gotta understand that these lions can climb trees, dig holes, run at 70km/h + etc etc, so there’s absolutely nothing you can do to escape them.

Nethertheless, Sha8dow starts unties his shoes and starts to re tie them.
Fuzz, the clever well informed man that he is, knows about the athletic talents of the lion and says “What are you doing? You know you can’t outrun the lion!”
Sha8dow replies, “I don’t need to, I just need to outrun you.”

Moral of the story kids: You don’t need to have a perfect score, you just need to beat everyone else around you ;)

Sha8doW's picture


Somtin got it right!

PerfectSanga's picture

Same here... well food wise

Mt mum has things portioned and cut up, frozen in all sorts of different places, It’s everywhere! It is useful but, mum just says “Go and get a pack of chicken” and it’s already been cut and pre-pared, basically pre-made in the freezer, it’s brilliant, but she does make me help pack it, cut it and freeze it when we first get it. Pain in the ass but it’s about as much as I do so I really don’t mind. haha.

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