US $49.99
AU $77.00 based 0n current exchange rate of 0.6515
RRP AU$99.99
That’s a AU$22.99 saving
Wh0lesale price is AU$82.00
But can y0u live with0ut a b0x ?
I think the 0nline purchase is justifiable f0r such a great game
and d0 y0u really need a manual f0r this game ?
Special ThanX again t0 Robag f0r his c0ntributi0n t0 the team 0n his 4 pack buy….
I h0pe the newbies get int0 this game as it has taken me away from German Padman killing
and 0ver t0 z0mbie bashing int0 the wee hours…Seri0usly this game is a must have….
Nice Saving
US $49.99
AU $77.00 based 0n current exchange rate of 0.6515
RRP AU$99.99
That’s a AU$22.99 saving
Wh0lesale price is AU$82.00
But can y0u live with0ut a b0x ?
I think the 0nline purchase is justifiable f0r such a great game
and d0 y0u really need a manual f0r this game ?
Special ThanX again t0 Robag f0r his c0ntributi0n t0 the team 0n his 4 pack buy….
I h0pe the newbies get int0 this game as it has taken me away from German Padman killing
and 0ver t0 z0mbie bashing int0 the wee hours…Seri0usly this game is a must have….
Padman L4D m0d is required :P
Is awsum game
every IPX member should get this game it really does rock!
good game
its a good game.
you might wanna shop about!
Forget what Shad said.. Shads a moron!
Dont shop around, buy from steam (he just saw it in GAME for $99.00)
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