So just wondering if anyone might know a place where we could get some jerseys made for IPX ????

Robag_Jr's picture

Because as you can guess the younger members are getting very obsessed with the team(RED), not that it’s a bad thing, but yeah so if anyone knows


Tripsicle98's picture

Probably for ease of access

And cheapness I’d say vista print. But unfortunately the quality wouldn’t be that flash


Srs. How does robag get so many friggin svalbards

n0mad's picture

Late Reply

m0rning JNR

Apologies for the late reply n0mad has done a few awsum IPX Jerseys in the past but my embroidered has not responded so I put sum feelers out when I saw this post but price is always a concern so I’ll keep looking for ya and get back 2 u soon….


That order I reckon


beavisbeaver's picture

try you can custom your whole jersey incl logos, numbers, names, etc.
$69.99 per jersey or break point is to $65 at 30 jerseys.
$15 delivery.

IMO. I would pay $70 if the product was decent quality. I have never used them but did a test run onsite, it was easy.

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